Fritz Sybergs Vej 9
DK 8270 Hojbjerg

Training module specifications

The training concept: Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Spirit consists of the following eight training modules:

  1. Establishing a creative learning environment
  2. Develop/adapt an idea from which business will be created
  3. Lecture about using a business plan
  4. Lecture about budgeting a new business
  5. Participant consultations with lecturers
  6. Group work creating a business plan – lecturers are consultants
  7. Lecture on presentation skills
  8. Presentation of business plan for invited persons

The modules will always be present in the training programme “Unleashing the Entrepreneurial Spirit”, but they can be altered and fitted into different time frames and training venues.

Presentation of modules:


1. Establishing a creative learning environment

Performance goal:


It is intended to establish a learning environment, which inspires the participants to participate actively in an innovative process


Evaluation will show if participants felt confident


Room for all participants at one time. Facilities to work in groups. Access to PC with internet and the use of telephone throughout the training period. Printing facilities

Main content:

The basic elements in the learning environment should be:

Mutual respect between students and lecturers, confidence, motivation and courage to innovate.
o establish this learning environment in very short time, we will use:

  • - Mutual presentations

  • - Energizers

  • - Presentation of the learning methods

  • - Exercises to train the ability to be creative

- Teambuilding activities



2. Develop/adapt idea from which business will be created

Performance goal:

The participants should feel that they have the ownership of their own idea


All participants /groups must have decided on which idea they will build their business.


Class room and possibilities to group work

Main content:

  • Define business /entrepreneurship

  • Top 10 businesses in the country

  • What makes a good business?

  • Room for more businesses in the country?

  • Creating a “creative space” for creativity

  • Each group create a business idea in group work

  • Presentation of business idea in class room



3. Lecture about using a business plan

Performance goal:


The participants will be able to understand and use the different elements in the business plan


At participants presentation of business plan it will show if they understand the fundamentals of a business plan


Class room, black board, electricity, overhead projector and screen for PC projector /overhead. Facilities to copy xx copies of business plan and other education material

Main content:

Business Plan presentation:
  • Personal resources
  • The product / service
  • Market
  • Sales and marketing
  • Organisation of business
  • Development of business
  • Budgeting
  • Financing

Material: Power Point slides, Book The Dynamic Business Plan



4. Lecture about budgeting a new business

Performance goal:


The participants should understand that budgeting is common sense and consist only of +, -, x and /


At presentation of business plan it will show if participants understand the fundamentals of budgeting


Lecture room, black board, if possible PC and projector.

Main content:

  • Establishing budget
  • Operating budget:
  • Turn over / sale
  • Used goods
  • Gross profit
  • Fixed costs
  • Interest
  • Depreciation
  • Profit
  • Income comes from profit

If PC involved also: Use of spread sheet
Material: Power Point slides, Book The Dynamic Business Plan



5. Participant consultations with  lectures


Performance goal:

The participants present a business idea and should be enthusiastic about by the chosen idea.


Lecturers will in the following group work see if the study group is working with enthusiasm


Room for consultations.

Main content:

Business coaching of the study groups. Guide the participants in the direction that will accomplish their business idea. Help making the idea into a business idea. Make sure the students know what to do when they start working in groups.



6. Group work creating a business plan – lectures are business coaches

Performance goal:

Participants shall face practical problems and find ways to solve them.


Lecturers will evaluate if the participants are committed to their work


Access to PC with internet and the use of telephone throughout the training period. Print from PC facilities

Main content:

  • Real life situations of uncertainty
  • Problem solving
  • Cooperation skills
  • From chaos over creativity to structured planning.
  • Deliver written business plan to lecturers

The educator will be present but will not be lecturing answer questions when approached by students.



7. Lecture on presentation skills

Performance goal:

Students should acquire tools so the can present a project for other people


At presentation of business plan it will show if participants present their business plan in an acceptable way.


Lecture room, black board, if possible PC and projector

Main content:

  • Presentation material
  • Presentation performance
  • Presentation content



8. Presentation of business plan for invited persons

Performance goal:

The participants should present their new business in a convincing way.


The presentation must have the required depths in the presenting the data of the business plan.
Understand the five principles for of a business plan:
  1. Business idea
  2. Depth of product description
  3. Depth of knowledge of market and sales potential
  4. Realism in and understanding of budget
  5. Entrepreneurial spirit and enthusiasm


Class room, black board, overhead projector, screen for PC projector /overhead.
If possible participation of one or two local entrepreneurs.

Main content:

  • Each group do their presentation
  • Evaluation and feed back on presentation
  • Next group
  • Hand out of Dynamic Business Plan Diploma
  • Evaluation of training project

The loudest one in the room is the weakest one in the room.
From the movie American Gangster

Entrepreneurship Education
Entrepreneurship Power Point
Entrepreneurship context
Entrepreneurship concept
Training Module Specifications
Problem Based Learning
Free Entrepreneurship Text Book
Teachers Download Center
Mocuba Entrepreneurial Experience
What is an entrepreneur and entrepreneurship?
Organising the Company
Your Product / Service
Financing Start-up
Sales and Marketing
The Person Behind
Entrepreneurship Education